Automated Cryptocurrency Apps Potentially A Scam

Cryptocurrency has continued to grow in interest, and many investors big and small are interested in investing in digital currencies for the first time. With this, new exchanges and ways to make money are being created. A new platform created is called Bitcoin Rush.

Bitcoin Rush is a software that claims to make trading Bitcoin easy for the users. Although some worry it is a scam. Its technology uses computer algorithms to make trading decisions that the investor doesn’t need to make. This eliminates the emotional aspect of trading. Bitcoin Rush claims to make the users hundreds or thousands of dollars in profit.

cryptoappTrading cryptocurrency has always come with a certain level of risk due to its newness and volatility. The Bitcoin Rush app also advises that cryptocurrencies are highly speculative and that investors should be warned of the risks and may suffer partial or full funds loss. To begin trading using the app, a person must invest at least $250. The app claims to be able to earn as much as $500 a day.

Although the reviews and feedback the app has gotten are mostly positive, it can be hard to believe that making large profits is as simple as that with something as complex as cryptocurrency. Some of the assessments of the site are extreme and the claimed profits can be unbelievable.

There are many scammers and threats online when it comes to cryptocurrency trading. Canadians have lost nearly $11 million due to digital currency related scams.

Seemingly inspired by Bitcoin Rush, a similar platform is out called Bitcoin Trading Canada. It functions very similarly to Bitcoin Rush and also has an easy sign up process. A $250 minimum start up deposit but promises to earn investors thousands a day.

Interestingly there is little information on these platforms so it’s important to be wary. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Research is important and if the article sounds like it only has positive things to say and encourages user sign up, it might not be a good idea to click that link.

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